Database of Judges who intentionally interfere with Motherhood and cause Protective Mothers to lose custody of their kids to Domestic Terrorists.
- Judge Eddie Vines, AL
- Judge Jeffrey Kelley, AL
- Judge Charles Short, AL
- Judge Pamela Wilson Cousins, AL
- Judge John H. Graham, AL
- Judge Peggy P. Miller, AL
- Judge Sharon L Gleason, AK
- Judge Mark Rinder, AK
- Judge Andrew Guini, AK
- Judge Pamela Washington, AK
- Judge Patrick J.McKay, AK
- Judge Jennifer S. Henderson, AK
- Judge William F. Morse
- Judge Marybeth Mcgann, AZ
- Judge Roylynne Bilagody, AZ
- Judge Michelle Parker, AZ
- Judge Astrowski, AZ
- Judge Lee, AZ
- Judge Brian Ishakawa, AZ
- Judge Joan Sinclair, AZ
- Judge Cari Harrison, AZ
- Judge Cathy Holt, AZ
- Judge Christopher A. Cury, AZ
- Judge Peter A Thompson, AZ
- Judge Shellie Smith, AZ
- Judge Edward Ballinger Jr. , AZ
- Judge Robert Houser, AZ
- Judge Kristin Hoff, AZ
- Judge Colleen McNally, AZ
- Judge Marybeth Mcgann, AZ
- Judge Palmer, AZ
- Judge Anna Young, AZ
- Judge Cohen, AZ
- Judge Karen L O’Conner, AZ (retired)
- Judge William Brotherton, AZ
- Judge Kemp, AZ
- Judge Kelliher, AZ (under investigation re: pedophile trafficking ring)
- Judge Adam Ambrose, AZ (under investigation re: pedophile trafficking ring)
- Judge Charles Irwin, (under investigation re: pedophile trafficking ring)
- Judge Anna Glaab, AZ
- Judge Geoffrey Fish, AZ
- Judge Suzanne E Cohen, AZ
- Judge Cele Hancock, AZ
- Judge Karl Elledge, AZ
- Judge Scott Rash, Tucson AZ
- Judge Adele Ponce, AZ
- Judge Greg Como, AZ
- Judge Celé Hancock, AZ
- Judge Melissa Zabor, AZ
- Judge Tracey Westerhausen, AZ
- Judge Burgess, AR
- Judge James, AR
- Judge Wiley Branton, AR
- Judge John Lineberger, AR
- Judge Maggio, AR
- Judge Beverly Wood, CA
- Judge Verna Adams, CA
- Judge Simmons, CA
- Judge Charles Treat, CA
- Judge Iwasaki, CA
- Comm. Losnick, CA
- Judge Salter, CA
- Judge James Waltz, CA
- Judge Cretan, CA
- Judge Foiles, CA
- Judge Marguerite Downing, CA
- Judge Pellman, CA
- Judge Alksne, CA
- Judge Pollack, CA
- Judge Molly Bigelow, CA
- Judge Christopher Marshall, CA
- Judge Zeidler, CA
- Judge Jill Fannin, CA
- Judge Robert Nagby, CA
- Judge Blackshaw, CA
- Judge Lawrence P.Best, CA
- Judge Alexander Martinez, CA
- Judge Jose Alva, CA
- Judge Joseph Brannigan, CA
- Judge Eugeina Eyherabide, CA
- Judge Joyce Cram, CA
- Judge Christopher Bowen, CA
- Judge Alksne, CA
- Pro-tem judge Rita Topalian, CA
- Judge Christopher Marshall, CA
- Judge Dale Wells, CA
- Judge Robert Amador, CA
- Judge Kathleen White, CA
- Judge Borack, CA
- Judge Lisa Schall, CA
- Judge Garcia, CA
- Judge Woodward, CA (retired)
- Judge William Wood, CA
- Judge Anne Elizabeth O’Shea, CA
- Judge Franc Perry, CA
- Judge Arvid Johnson, CA
- Judge William Vanstockem, CA
- Comm. Trilla Bahrke, CA
- Judge Suzanne Gazzaniga, CA
- Judge Christine Carringer, CA
- Judge Linda Miller, CA
- Judge Sherri Honer, CA
- Judge David Belz, CA
- Judge Commissioner Elizabeth Hendrickson, CA
- Referee Marilyn Mordetsky, CA
- Commissioner Gary G. Bischoff, CA
- Judge Cindee Mayfield, CA
- Judge Stephen Acquisto, CA
- Judge Barry Baskin, CA
- Judge Pellman, CA
- Judge Raymond Swope, CA
- Judge David S Weinberg, CA (retired)
- Judge Gale Hickman, CA (retired)
- Judge Jorge Galindo, CA
- Judge Naughton, CA
- Judge Cheryl Lenienger, CA
- Judge John Farrell, CA
- Judge Haig Kehiayan, CA
- Judge William MacLaughlin, CA
- Judge Zakon, CA
- Judge John H Sugiyama, CA
- Judge James Towery, CA
- Judge Mary Ann Grilli, CA
- Judge Peter J. Siggins, CA
- Judge Matthew J. Gary, CA
- Judge Claudia Silbar, CA
- Judge Vincent Chiarello, CA
- Judge Martin J. Jenkins, CA
- Judge Aaron Persky, CA
- Judge Richard DuBois, CA
- Judge Erick Larsh, CA
- Judge Stuart Pollak, CA
- Judge Heather D Morse, CA (retired)
- Judge Jeff Almquist, CA
- Judge Ichikawa, CA (retired)
- Judge John Laettner, CA (removed from office for multiple instances of misconduct)
- Judge Maren Nelson, CA
- Judge Margaret Johnson, CA (retired)
- Judge Rosen, CA
- Judge Brenda Penny, CA
- Judge Joni Hiramoto, CA
- Judge Wendy McGuire Coats, CA
- Judge Danette Gomez, CA
- Judge Richard C. Darwin, CA
- Judge Don Christian, CA
- Judge Daniel A. Flores, CA
- Judge Lee Gabriel, CA
- Judge Tamara Hall, CA
- Judge Lawrence Riff, CA
- Judge Michael Powell, CA
- Judge Mark Juhas, CA
- Judge Christine Byrd, CA
- Judge Alicia Blanco, CA
- Judge Teresa Beaudet, CA
- Judge David V.& Herriford, CA
- Judge Emma Castro, CA
- Judge Margaret Henry, CA
- Judge Carla L. Garrett, CA
- Judge Gould-Saltman, CA
- Judge Alan Cassidy, CA
- Judge Rachel E. Holt, CA
- Judge Robert Lemkau, CA
- Judge Sharon Roper, CA
- Commissioner Patti Ratekin, CA
- Judge Christine Goldsmith, CA
- Private Judge and attorney Michael Smith, San Jose, CA
- Judge Don R. Franchi, CA
- Private Judge Edward F. Mills, CA
- Judge Mary Greenwood, CA
- Judge Mary Ann Grilli, CA
- Judge Patricia M. Lucas, CA
- Judge Drew C. Takaichi, CA
- Judge Russell Roeca, CA
- Judge Luege, CA
- Judge Kreber-Varipapa, CA
- Judge Rebecca Connolly, CA
- Judge Schmalberger, CO
- Magistrate Westbrook, CO
- Magistrate Pannell, CO
- Judge Gail Meinster, CO
- Magistrate Fitzgerald, CO
- Judge Julie Kunce Fields, CO
- Judge Kandace Gerdes, CO
- Judge Natalie Chase, CO
- Judge Elizabeth Volz, CO
- Magistrate Rebecca Moss, CO
- Judge Patricia Herron, CO
- Judge Randall Arp, CO
- Judge Caryn Datz, CO
- Judge Markenson, CO
- Judge Roberto Ramirez, CO
- Judge Thomas Mulvahil, CO
- Judge Andrew Ross MacDonald, CO
- Judge Denise Brown, CO
- Magistrate Donna Stewart, CO
- Judge Jennifer Torrington, CO
- Judge Kelley R. Southerland, CO
- Judge William Hood, CO
- Judge Patrick Esser, CO
- Judge Gregory Lammons, CO
- Judge Scott Sells, CO
- Judge Julie Highley, CO
- Magistrate Annette Kundelius, CO
- Magistrate Elizabeth Kelley, CO
- Magistrate Karen Hubler, CO
- Judge Mary Hoak, CO
- Judge David Prince, CO
- Judge William Trujillo, CO
- Judge Chad Miller, CO
- Judge Eliot Solomon, CT
- Judge Simone, CT
- Judge Sybil Richards, CT
- Judge Robert Resha, CT
- Judge Mary Louise Schofield, CT
- Judge Maureen Murphy, CT
- Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, CT
- Judge Patrick Carroll III, CT
- Judge Ann Felcito, CT
- Judge Omar Williams, CT
- Judge Lynda Munro, CT
- Judge Mark Taylor, CT
- Judge Gerald Adelman, CT
- Judge Constance Epstein, CT
- Judge Kenefick, CT
- Judge Emons, CT
- Judge Dembo, CT
- Judge Donna Heller, CT
- Judge William H. Bright, Jr., CT
- Judge Eric Coleman, CT
- Judge Leo Diana, CT
- Judge Jane Grossman, CT
- Judge Karazin, CT
- Judge Margarita Hartley Moore, CT
- Judge Heidi G. Winslow, CT
- Judge Neeta Vatti, CT
- Judge Michael Albis, CT
- Judge Thomas Moukawsher, CT (resigned)
- Judge Thomas O’Neill, CT
- Judge Linda Allard, CT
- Judge Peter B Jones, DE
- Judge Kenneth Millman, DE
- Judge Janell Ostroski, DE
- Judge Joelle Hitch, DE
- Judge Thomas T. Remington, FL
- Judge John J. Gontarek, FL
- Judge Kevin Michael Moore, FL
- Judge David Gooding, FL
- Judge Charles Greene, FL
- Judge Richard Rothschild, FL
- Judge Richard Eade, FL
- Judge Birken, FL
- Judge Colbath, FL
- Judge John Phillips, FL
- Judge Michael Kaplan, FL
- Judge Ferrin, Bailey, FL
- Judge John Patrick Contini, FL
- Judge Elisabeth Adams, FL
- Judge James Shenko, FL
- Judge Keith Kyle, FL
- Judge Keith Cary, FL
- Judge Lawrence Korda, FL
- Judge Vincent Torpy, FL
- Judge Tonya Rainwater, FL
- Judge, Linda Vitale, FL
- Judge Jack Hellinger, FL
- Judge Jeffrey McKibben, FL
- Judge Marcus Ezelle, FL
- Judge Catherine Combee, FL
- Judge Robert M. Foster, FL
- Judge David C. Miller, FL
- Judge Michelle Barakat, FL
- Judge Migna Sanchez Llorens, FL
- Judge Marcus Ezelle, FL
- Judge Jeffrey McKibben, FL
- Judge Dale Cohen, FL
- Judge Merrilee Erlich, FL
- Judge Jerry Collins, FL
- Judge William E. Davis, FL
- Judge Briggs, FL
- Judge Mary J Hatcher, FL
- Judge John Contini, FL
- Judge Robert B. Meadows, FL
- Judge Robert B. Belanger, FL
- Judge S. Sue Robbins, FL (retired)
- Judge Susan Alspector, FL
- Judge Bonnie J. Helms, FL
- Judge Lisa Porter, FL
- Judge Jennifer J. Johnson, FL
- Judge Mark E. Feagle, FL
- Judge Jigisa Patel-Dookhoo, FL
- Judge Joshua Hawkes, FL
- Judge Joan Anthony, FL
- Judge George M. Wright, FL
- Judge Marcia Caballero, FL
- Judge Scott Bernstein, FL
- Judge Martin B. Shapiro, FL (deceased)
- Judge Sandra Miller, GA
- Judge Daniel Craig, GA
- Judge Jane Barwick, GA
- Judge Wendy Schoob, GA
- Judge Jack Kirby, GA
- Judge Chan Caudell, GA
- Judge Andrew Fuller, GA
- Judge Martha Christian, GA
- Judge Michael Annis, GA
- Judge David Roper, GA
- Judge Doug Nelson, GA
- Judge Bensonetta Tipton Lane, GA
- Judge Belinda E. Edwards, GA
- Judge Goger, GA
- Judge Gail Tusan Washington, GA
- Judge Margaret Dorsey, GA
- Judge Curtis Tillman, GA
- Judge Gail Flake, GA
- Judge Mimi DesJardines, HI
- Judge Simone Polak, HI
- Judge Lloyd A. Poelman, HI
- Judge Megan Marshall, ID
- Judge Francis Mario Martinez, IL
- Judge Esteban Sanchez, IL
- Judge Matthew Mauer, IL
- Judge Edward Arce, IL
- Judge Raul Vega, IL
- Judge Thomas Carr, IL
- Judge David Knutson, IL
- Judge Asphaug, IL
- Judge Michael D. McHaney, IL
- Judge Dalton, IL
- Judge Grady, IL
- Judge Kimberly Lewis, IL
- Judge Michael Reidy, IL
- Judge Michael A. Fiello, IL
- Judge Michael Forti, IL
- Judge Voyland, IL
- Judge Rosa Silva, IL
- Judge David Kliment, IL
- Judge Doretha Renee Jackson, IL
- Judge Matt Kincaid, IN
- Judge Andrew Adams, IN
- Judge Traci Cosby, IN
- Judge Jane Spande, IA
- Judge Constance Cohen, IA
- Judge Rachel Seymour, IA
- Judge Christine Dalton Ploof, IA
- Judge Michael R. Mullins, IA (retired)
- Judge Sally Porkney, KS
- Judge Amy Harth, KS
- Judge Alan Slater, KS
- Judge Christine Gyllenborg, KS
- Judge Kathleen Sloan
- Judge Tyler Gill, KY
- Judge Sue Carol Browning, KY
- Judge Richard Woeste, KY
- Judge Davis, KY
- Judge Reams, KY
- Judge Reese, KY
- Judge M Brent Hall, KY
- Judge Traci Brislin, KY
- Judge Kathy Stein, KY
- Judge Janie McKenzie-Wells, KY
- Judge Angela Johnson, KY
- Judge Self Bossier, LA
- Judge Nakisha Erwin Knott, LA
- Judge James P. Jim Dorthery Jr., LA
- Judge Bernadette D’Souza, LA
- Judge Stephen D. Enright, LA
- Judge Hans J. Liljeberg, LA
- Judge Rowan, LA
- Judge Klees, LA
- Judge Mary Clemence Devereux, LA
- Hearing Officer Paul Weidig, LA
- Judge Donald A. Rowan, LA
- Judge Cashe, LA
- Judge Keith Powers, ME
- Judge Peter Goranites, ME
- Judge Dan Driscoll, ME
- Judge Michael Cantera, ME
- Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz, ME
- Judge Sarah Churchill, ME
- Judge Cynthia Callahan, MD
- Judge McCrone, MD
- Judge Ryon, MD
- Judge Paul Harris Jr., MD
- Judge Jonathon Newell, MD (pedophile: committed suicide)
- Judge Livingston, MA (fired for DCF fraud)
- Judge Armand Fernandes Jr, MA
- Judge Menno, MA
- Judge Gary Nickerson, MA
- Judge Stanton, MA
- Judge Scandurra, MA
- Judge Terry, MA (retired)
- Judge Lisa Roberts, MA
- Judge Virginia Ward, MA
- Judge Douglas Gray, MA
- Judge Riley, MA
- Judge Melanie Gargas, MA
- Judge Carol A. Erskine, MA
- Judge John P. Cronin, MA
- Judge Christina L. Harms, MA
- Judge Elizabeth Teixeira, MA
- Judge Abbe Ross, MA
- Judge David L. Clabuesch, MI
- Judge William Marietti, MI
- Judge Donald McLennan, MI
- Judge Scott Pavalich, MI
- Judge Maria Barton, MI
- Judge Frank Szymanski, MI
- Judge Charles Goodman, MI
- Judge Brennan, MI
- Judge Zemaitis, MI
- Judge Connie M. Kelley, MI
- Judge Lisa Gorcyca, MI
- Judge Judy Hartsfield, MI
- Judge Christopher Dingell, MI
- Judge Benjamin Bolser, MI
- Judge Michelle Bianchi, MI
- Judge Michael Smith, MI
- Judge Kent D Engle, MI
- Judge Cheryl Matthews, MI
- Judge Julie McDonald, MI
- Judge Karen McDonald, MI
- Judge Lisa L. Langton, MI
- Judge Mary Ellen Brennan, MI
- Judge Victoria Valentine, MI
- Judge Jacob J. Cunningham, MI
- Judge Shalina Kumar, MI
- Judge Justus C. Scott, MI
- Judge Patricia Gardner, MI
- Judge Ron Schafer, MI
- Judge Suzanne Hoseth Kreeger, MI
- Referee Jessica Wierckz, MI
- Judge Patrick J. Conlin, Jr., MI
- Judge Michael P. Higgins, MI
- Judge Darlene O’Brien, MI
- Judge Conrad I. Freeberg, MN
- Judge Douglas P. Anderson, MN
- Judge Kris H. Davick-Halfen, MN
- Judge David L. Knutson, MN
- Judge Paul Rassmuson, MN
- Judge Donna Dixon, MN
- Judge Todd W. Westphal, MN
- Judge Allison Krehbiel, MN
- Judge Robert Docherty, MN
- Judge William Koch, MN
- Judge Michael Mayer, MN
- Judge Tim D. Wermager, MN
- Judge Janet L. Barke Cain, MN
- Judge Erica MacDonald, MN
- Judge William H. Leary III, MN
- Family Court Officer Scott Simpson, MN
- Judge Gary Schurrer, MN
- Referee Earl F. Beddow Jr., MN
- Judge Stephanie Beckman, MN
- Judge Bethany Fountain Lindberg, MN
- Judge Patrick Roben, MN
- Judge Christine Long, MN
- Judge Frederick L. Grunke, MN
- Referee Holly Knight in Hennepin County, MN
- Judge Andrew Robert Pearson, MN
- Judge Michael F. Fetsch, MN (deceased)
- Judge Matthew Quinn, MN
- Judge James Walker, MS
- Judge Sarah Liddy, MS
- Judge Ralph Jaynes, MO
- Judge Aaron Koeppen, MO
- Judge Bruce Colyer, MO
- Judge Hayden, MO
- Judge Steve Jackson, MO
- Judge Larry Winfrey, MO
- Judge Stan Moore, MO
- Judge David Mobly, MO
- Judge Welch, MO
- Judge Wendy Wexler Horn, MO
- Judge Sandy Martinez, MO
- Judge Nicole Zellweger, MO
- Judge Virginia Lay, MO
- Judge Michael Burton, MO
- Judge Victoria M. McKee, MO
- Judge Bruce F. Hilton, MO
- Judge David Lee Vincent, III, MO
- Judge Moody, MO
- Judge Mark Preyer, MO
- Judge Lauren Tucker, MT
- Judge Holly Brown, MT
- Judge Rena Hughes, NV
- Judge Linda Marquis, NV
- Judge Gamble, NV
- Judge Young, NV
- Judge Rena Hughes, NV
- Judge Alice Love, NH
- Judge Julie Introcaso, NH
- Judge Robert Foley, NH
- Judge Edwin Kelly, NH
- Judge Weaver, NH
- Judge David Lefrancois, NH
- Judge Kimberly Chabot, NH
- Judge Philip Cross, NH
- Judge Sam Murray, NJ
- Judge James Guida Jr., NJ
- Judge Gerald C. Escala, NJ
- Judge William R. DeLorenzo, NJ
- Nancy Sivilli, NJ
- Judge Gerald Escala, NJ
- Judge Chell, NJ
- Judge Lougy, NJ
- Judge Angela White Dalton, NJ
- Judge Jeff Nash, NJ
- Judge Peter Bogaard, NJ
- Judge Jane Gallina-Mecca, NJ
- Judge Michael A. Jimenez, NJ
- Judge McVeigh, NJ
- Judge Mary Rosner, NM
- Judge Gerard Lavelle, NM
- Judge Jane Shuler Gray, NM
- Judge Abigail P. Aragon, NM
- Judge Julie Campbell, NY
- Judge Marion O Mizel, NY
- Judge Anthony McGinty, NY
- Judge Esther Morgenstern, NY
- Judge Marianne Furfure, NY
- Judge Carol Sherman, NY
- Judge Dandrea Rhuleman, NY
- Judge Gerard Maney, NY
- Referee Roslyn Ebrahimoff, NY
- Referee Marilyn Moriber, NY
- Judge William P. Warren, NY
- Judge Scott Ugell, NY
- Judge Rolf Thorsen, NY
- Referee Dean Richardson, NY
- Judge Hope Schwartz Zimmerman, NY
- Judge John Sherman, NY
- Judge Sarah Schechter, NY
- Judge Anna B. Culley, NY
- Judge Anthony McGinty, NY
- Judge Nesser, NY
- Judge Amodeo, NY
- Judge Bernard Cheng, NY
- Judge Joseph H. Lorintz, NY
- Judge William Kent III, NY
- Judge Sharon Gianelli, NY
- Judge Lori Currier Woods, NY
- Judge Ellen Greenberg, NY
- Judge Patrick F. MacRae, NY
- Judge Melody Glover, NY
- Judge Mark H. Fandrich
- Judge Ann M. Donnelly, NY
- Judge Robert M. Levy, NY
- Judge Arlene Katz, NY
- Judge Nancy Quinn-Koba, NY
- Judge Howard Code, NY
- Judge Janet Malone, NY
- Judge Catherine Cholakis, NY
- Judge Sheri Eisenpress, NY
- Judge Lewis Lubell, NY
- Judge Susan Capeci, NY
- Judge David Everett, NY
- Judge Matthew Cooper, NY
- Judge Nancy Quinn Koba, NY
- Judge Mary Anne Scattaretico Naber, NY
- Judge Stacey Romeo, NY
- Judge Lisa M. Kent Brown, NV
- Judge Angela Puckett, NC
- Judge Brad Allen Reid, Jr, NC
- Judge Burford Cherry, NC
- Judge Christine M. Walczyk, NC
- Judge Monica M. Bousman, NC
- Judge Toni King, NC
- Judge Michelle Fletcher, NC
- Judge Angela Foster, NC
- Judge Joe Buckner, NC
- Judge: Beth Heath, N
- Judge Beverly Scarlett, NC
- Judge Tim Finan, NC
- Judge Caron Stewart, NC
- Judge Scott Ussery, NC
- Judge Stanley Peele, NC
- Judge Mack Brittain, NC
- Judge Gary Henderson, NC
- Judge Melinda Crouch, NC
- Judge Patricia Stanford Hunt Love, NC
- Judge Sean Smith, NC
- Judge McCallum, NC
- Judge Paige McThenia, NC
- Magistrate Gregory Millas, OH
- Judge Debra Boros, OH
- Judge Linda Kate, OH
- Judge Michelle Arredondo, OH
- Judge Michael Ryan, OH
- Magistrate Brenda Dunlap, OH
- Judge Patrick Fisher, OH
- Judge Patrick Dewine, OH
- Judge Jon H Sieve, OH
- Judge Michael Howard, OH (retired)
- Judge Heather Cockley, OH
- Judge Costine, OH
- Judge Daniel Padden, OH
- Magistrate Marcia Hollins, OH
- Judge David Ellwood, OH
- Judge Leonard Holzapfel, OH
- Judge John Henry Sieve, OH
- Judge Helen Early-Rowlands, OH
- Judge Mark Wall, Butler County, OH
- Judge Solomon Oliver, Jr., OH
- Judge Danny J. Boggs, OH
- Judge David W. McKeague, OH
- Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton, OH
- Judge Alice M. Batchelder, OH
- Judge Deborah L. Cook, OH
- Judge Raymond M. Kethledge, OH
- Judge Amul R. Thapar, OH
- Judge John K. Bush, OH
- Judge Joan L. Larsen, OH
- Judge John B. Nalbandian, OH
- Judge Timothy Grendell, OH
- Judge David Niehaus, OH (deceased)
- Judge Diane M. Palos, OH
- Judge Monica Hawkins, OH
- Magistrate Caitlin Nevin, OH
- Judge Anne McDonough, OH
- Judge Justin W. Skaggs, OH
- Judge Denise Navarre Cubbon, OH
- Judge Barry Hafar, OK
- Judge Howard Haralson, OK
- Judge Lisa Hammond, OK
- Judge Pandee Ramirez, OK
- Judge Michael C. Smith, OK
- Judge Martha Oakes, OK
- Judge Emily Mueller, OK
- Judge Z. Joseph Young, OK
- Judge Kurt Glassco, OK
- Judge Theresa Dreiling, OK
- Judge Deanne Darling, OR
- Judge Ronald Grensky, OR
- Judge Steven Price, OR
- Judge Philip Mendiguren, OR (retired)
- Judge Alta Brady, OR
- Judge Susan Svetsky, OR
- Judge Cory Woodward, OR (retired)
- Judge Susan Tripp, OR
- Judge R. Curtis Conover, OR
- Judge Locke A. Williams, OR
- Judge Scott Lash, PA
- Judge James Bucci, PA
- Judge Joseph Leahy, PA
- Judge Douglass Reichley, PA
- Judge Norman Krumenacker, PA
- Judge J. Hoburg, PA
- Judge Gary Norton, PA
- Judge Shawely, PA
- Judge John E. Dornalakes, PA
- Judge James M. McMaster, PA
- Judge Donald Walko, PA
- Judge Vincent Johnson, PA
- Judge Kelley Streib, PA
- Judge Jennifer Lynn Rodgers, PA
- Judge James Bloomsburg, PA
- Judge McCoy, PA
- Judge Koestal, PA
- Judge Younge, PA
- Judge Peter W. Schmehl, PA
- Judge Eshelman, PA
- Judge Michele A. Varricchio, PA
- Judge Jeffrey Trauger, PA
- Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy, PA
- Judge Linda Rovder Fleming, PA
- Judge George W. Wheeler, PA
- Judge Joseph M. Walsh III, PA
- Judge Robert L. Boyer, PA
- Judge Ann Marie Wheatcraft, PA
- Judge James P. MacElree, PA
- Judge David F. Bortner, PA
- “Master” Rich Lombardi, PA
- Judge Kenneth W. Seamans, PA
- Judge. Russell Shurtleff, PA
- Judge Robert Sambroak, PA (deceased)
- Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin, PA
- Judge Shad F. Connelly, PA
- Judge Linda Fleming, PA
- Judge John Trucilla, PA
- Judge Elizabeth Kelly, PA
- Judge Shad Connolly, PA
- Judge Susan Devlin Scott, PA (deceased)
- Judge Joseph Fernandes, PA
- Judge Jessel Costa, PA
- Judge Kim Berkeley-Clark, PA
- Judge Thomas James, PA
- Judge Jennifer Satler, PA
- Judge Kathleen Mulligan, PA
- Judge Jennifer Harlacher Sibum, PA
- Judge Andrea Strong, PA
- Judge Paige Rosini, PA
- Judge Suzan L. Clark, PA
- Judge Kelly C. Wall, PA
- Judge Lori Hackenberg, PA
- Judge Daniel Clifford, PA
- Judge Carolyn Carluccio, PA
- Judge Steven Tolliver, PA
- Judge Gail Weilheimer, PA
- Judge William E SMITH, RI
- Associate Judge Karen Lynch Bernard, RI
- Judge Karen F. Ballenger, SC
- Judge Mandy Wilkerson Kimmons, SC
- Judge Holly Wall, SC
- Judge Monet S. Pincus, SC
- Judge Marsh Robertson, SC
- Judge Jack Landis, SC
- Magistrate Carlton Lewis – TN
- Magistrate Melanie Stark, TN
- Judge Philip Smith, TN
- Judge Carma Dennis McGee, TN
- Judge Dennis Humphrey, TN
- Judge Dwaine “Benjy” Thomas, TN
- Judge Jerri S. Bryant, TN
- Judge Darrell L. Scarlett, TN
- Judge William E. Phillips II, TN
- Judge Kindall T. Lawson, TN
- Judge Jean Stanley, TN
- Judge Bonita Jo Atwood, TN
- Judge Biard, TX
- Judge Cox Campbell, TX
- Judge Montemayor, TX
- Judge Cheryl Shannon, TX
- Judge Jill Willis, TX
- Judge Sheri Y Dean, TX
- Judge Nancy Berger, TX
- Judge Carmen Rivera Worley, TX
- Judge Hinojosa, TX
- Judge David Farr, TX
- Judge Alvin Zimmerman, TX
- Judge Mike O’Brian, TX
- Federal Judge Higley, TX
- Judge Roy Moore, TX
- Judge Brent Burg, TX (deceased )
- Judge Shelton, TX
- Judge Jose Longoria, TX (voted out)
- Judge Gaffney, TX
- Judge Mike Sinha, TX
- Judge Haddock, TX
- Judge Harris, TX
- Judge Polus, TX
- Judge Hennighan, TX
- Judge Ralph Walton, TX
- Judge Charley Prine, TX
- Judge Tom Rickhoff, TX
- Judge Dallas Sims, TX
- Judge Yahara Lisa Gutierrez, TX
- Judge Ray Weles, TX
- Judge Cynthia Wheles, TX
- Judge Emily Miscal, TX
- Judge Mary Murphy, TX
- Judge Bruce McFarling, TX
- Judge John Schmude, TX
- Judge Paula Vlahakos, TX
- Judge Jesus Nevarez, TX
- Associate Judge Lindsay DeVos, TX
- Judge Scott Jenkins, TX
- Judge Darlene Byrne, TX
- Judge Betsy Lambeth, TX
- Judge Rick Kennon, TX
- Judge Susan Rankin, TX (voted out of office)
- Judge Patricia Baca Bennett, TX
- Judge Lori Deangelis, TX
- Associate Judge Lindsay DeVos, TX
- Judge Judith Wells, TX
- Judge Wendy Wood Hencerling, TX
- Judge Amanda Matzke, TX
- Judge John Grady, TX
- Judge Norma Gonzales, TX
- Judge William D. Wallace, TX
- Judge Omar Maldonado, TX
- Judge Amanda Markert, TX
- Judge Christopher Duggan, TX
- Judge Dallas Jean Sims, TX
- Judge Evashavik-DiLucente, TX
- Judge Higbee, UT
- Judge Brent Bartholomew, UT
- Commissioner Joshua Faulkner, UT
- Judge Kara Pettit, UT
- Judge James T. Blanch, UT
- Commissioner T. Patrick Casey, UT
- Judge Barry Lawrence, UT
- Commissioner Michelle Blomquist, UT
- Judge Rita M. Cornish, UT
- Judge Robert Faust, UT
- Judge Derek Pullan, UT
- Commissioner Joanna Sagers, UT
- Commissioner Marian Ito, UT
- Commissioner Christina Wilson, UT
- Judge Ronald G. Russell, UT
- Judge James Warren, VA
- Judge Victoria Willis, VA
- Judge Julian W. Johnson, VA
- Judge Lisa B. Kemler, VA
- Judge Gregory Carr, VA
- Judge Tanya Bullock, VA
- Honorable Tari S. Eitzen, WA
- Commissioner Steven N. Grovdahl, WA
- Commissioner Tony M. Rugel, WA
- Judge Valerie Jolicoeur, WA
- Judge Michael Price, WA
- Judge Godfrey, WA
- Judge Salvatore Cozza, WA
- Pro tem Commissioner Joseph Linehan, WA
- Commissioner Royce Moe, WA
- Pro Tem Commissioner James V. Woodard, WA
- Commissioner Julie M. Mckay, WA
- Commissioner Michelle Ressa, WA
- Pro Tem. Commissioner Nikki Swennumson, WA
- Judge Raymond F Clary, WA
- Pro Tem Commissioner Tobin J. Carlson, WA
- Commissioner Tony M. Rugel, WA
- Judge Maryann Moreno, WA
- Judge Michael Evans, WA
- Judge G. Gonzales, WA
- Commissioner Joseph Schneider, WA
- Judge Henry Judson, WA (retired)
- Judge Susan Amini, WA
- Judge Barbara Linde, WA
- Judge Kathryn Fields, WA (retired)
- Judge Bonnie Canada-Thurston, WA
- Judge Carlos Velategui, WA
- Judge Larry Besk, WA
- Judge Richard Eadie, WA
- Judge Susan Craighead, WA
- Commissioner Schienberg, WA
- Judge Michael E Schwartz, WA
- Commisoner Rebekah Zinn, WA
- Judge Indu Thomas, WA
- Judge Stephen Warning, WA
- Judge Julia Pelc, WA
- Judge Jacqueline High-Edward, WA
- Judge Rachelle Anderson, WA
- Judge Carin Schienberg, WA
- Judge Grant Blinn, WA
- Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, D.C. (no she was not a hero for women’s rights)
- Judge Dabney Friedrich, D.C.
- Judge Rebecca Cornett, WV
- Judge Carter Williams, WV
- Judge Patrick OMalley, WI
- Judge Brett Blomme, WI (jailed due to collection of child rape footage)
- Judge Robert VanDeHey, WI
- Judge Timothy C. Day
- Judge Kate G. McKay
- Judge Marvin L. Tyler
- Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg (no she was not a hero for women’s rights)
- Judge John G. Roberts, Jr.
- Judge Stephen G. Breyer
- Judge Sonia Sotomayor
- Judge Elena Kagan
- Judge Neil M. Gorsuch
- Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh
- Judge Clarence Thomas
- Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
- Justice William Hood
- Judge Lewis Lubell
- Judge Nancy Quinn Koba
- Judge Altman, London, United Kingdom
- Judge Alan Goldsack, United Kingdom
- Judge Jarred, United Kingdom
- Judge Altman, United Kingdom
- Judge Newman, United Kingdom
- Judge Butler, United Kingdom
- Judge Pady, United Kingdom
- Judge Robin Tolson, United Kingdom
- Judge DJ Knightingale, United Kingdom
- Judge Sir Gavyn Aurthur, United Kingdom
- District judge Alan Jenkins, United Kingdom
- Judge DJ Jenkins, United Kingdom
- Judge Oldroyd, United Kingdom
- Judge Davies, United Kingdom
- Judge DJ Bury, United Kingdom
- Judge Prince, United Kingdom
- Judge Helen Black, United Kingdom
- Judge Tacey Cronin, United Kingdom
- Judge Alan D McLeod, AB, Canada
- Judge David Masuhara, BC, Canada
- Judge Jayne E. Hughes, ON, Canada
- Judge Finlayson, Oshawa, Canada
- Judge Helena Gregorova, Czech Republic
- Judge Jan Cvancara, Czech Republic
- Judge Bellaart, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Van Steen, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Dragtsma, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Mink, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Stille, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Lückers, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Judge Valentina Paletto, Milan, Italy
- Judge Lara Ghermandi, Verona, Italy
- Judge Ernesto D’Amico, Verona, Italy
- Judge Camilla Cognetti, Verona, Italy
- Judge Corrado Schiaretti, Ancona, Italy
- Judge Giuliana Basilli, Ancona, Italy
- Judge Luigi Catelli, Ancona, Italy
- Judge Enrica Alessandra, Milan, Italy
- Judge Manfredini Fulvia De Luca, Milan, Italy
- Judge Anne Demack, Australia
- Judge Bryan Beaumont, Australia
- Judge Virginia Bell, Australia
- Judge Patrick Keane, Australia
- Judge Susan Kiefel, Australia
- Judge Geoffrey Nettle, Australia
- Judge Michelle Gordon, Australia
- Judge James Edelman, Australia
- Judge Josephine Willis AM, QLD, Australia
- Judge Leanne Clare, QLD, Australia
- Judge Benjamin, Tasmania
- Judge Robert Benjamin, Tasmania
- Judge Roberts, Devenport, Tasmania
- Judge Adam, Berlin, Germany
- Judge Shobha Nair, Singapore
- Judge Jen Koh, Singapore
- Justice Pradeep Nandrajog in the High Court of India

Disclaimer: Mothers ReVolution is a non-profit organisation. Database Judges Wall of Shame information is voluntarily shared and collected by Protective Mothers worldwide. Although we go to great lengths to make sure our information is accurate and useful, Mothers ReVolution or its employees, agents or representatives are not responsible for the accuracy of this database.