
Resources for Protective Mothers: access and share info on the topic of Protective Mothers and their children


National Safe Parents Organization (Family Court Reform)

Moms Fight Back  (Support and Family Court Reform)

Custody Peace (Raising awareness and Family Court Reform)

The Movement of Mothers (MOM)

One Mom’s Battle (Family Court Reform org)

Child Justice (Family Court Reform and Pro Bono legal services in Maryland and Washington D.C.)

Network for Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC) (free legal assistance & representation for adult survivors of domestic violence seeking a Civil Protection Order in Washington DC)

Prairie State Legal Services (free legal assistance & representation for adult survivors of domestic violence in multiple counties in Illinois

Center for Judicial Excellence (Family Court Reform org)

California Protective Parent Association (Family Court Reform org)

DVLeap (For Pro Bono Appeals)

Mothers of Lost Children 

Greyson’s Choice (Family Court Reform)

Kayden’s Korner (Family Court Reform)

Divorce in Connecticut

Courageous Kids (this org does not seem to be active any longer)

CJE Youth Speak (for Youth Survivors)

The Stop Abuse Campaign (Family Court Reform org offering essential research and info for litigation)

The Nurtured Parent

Ascend Heal & Manifest (Support and Healing for Protective Mothers)

Protective Mothers Alliance International

Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts

Battered Mothers Custody Conference

National Organization for Women Foundation (NOW)

Women’s Media Center

Darkness to Light

FVAP (For Pro Bono Appeals in California)

NNEDV (National Network to End Domestic Violence)

Pathways to Safety (Services for U.S. Domestic Violence victims abroad)

Support not Separation (United Kingdom)

International Rescue

Christian faith Ministry Ashes to Beauty

Alliance in Action

Grandmothers Against Removals (Australia)

Connecticut Protective Moms (Family Court Reform org)

Mother Justice Survivor Support

Called to Peace (faith-based survivor support)

Court Watch Montgomery (Maryland, USA)

Comitato Madri Unite  (Italy)

Protective Makua (Hawaii – Family Court Reform)

FiLiA’s Hague Mothers (Hague Convention Reform and Protective Mother advocacy)

New Zealand Hague Collective (Hague Convention support and reform)

Fondation Passerelle Project (Hague Project – Africa and international)

Hague Explained (Hague Convention prevention and awareness – UK and international)

NOMAS (The National Organization for Men Against Sexism)

Moms Purpose (NonCustodial Moms organising stampedes to go after court corruption)

MOSAC (Mothers Of Sexually Abused Children)

Danielle Pollack’s Children’s Movement (Family Court Reform org)

Incest Aware (for survivors)

The Women’s Coalition (raising awareness, peer to peer support groups)


Violence Awareness & Prevention Guide

Safe online communication with Mom: for Kids in custody of Domestic Terrorists

Protect yourself from financial abuse

Download this Guide to Cyber Security for Protective Mothers

Arm yourself against Cyber Stalking and Covert Surveillance also check this plus its resources at the end

Use this app Victims Voice to collect evidence of Domestic Terrorism

Use the Aimee Says Artificial Intelligence tool specialized for victims/survivors of Domestic Terrorism

Need media exposure? Contact: Engendered Podcasts

Need media exposure? Contact: 3 Women 3 Ways

Need media exposure? Contact Porthole to Justice

National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book (AU)

Torture Trauma Therapy (subscription based information)

Hot Peach Pages – Abuse information and support agencies for every woman and every girl on Earth in 110 languages

Keeping your kids safe on the internet

Legal info for abuse victims

How to use Kayden’s Law in Pennsylvania

New! Sue a Domestic Terrorist in California for Coercive Control!

App to track your custody case

Search Hague Convention case law


The Liz Library

Gender based violence research

Jane and John Q (blog court corruption California)

Family Court Circus (blog court corruption)


70% of all abusive fathers are granted full custody.

In cases of child sexual abuse the percentage goes up to 85%.

Only 2% of child sexual abuse reported by Protective Mothers is believed by courts

U.S. agencies raking in those federal dollars to award custody to Domestic Terrorists

These Father’s Rights programs are completely out of control.

Check out how Domestic Terrorists abuse the legal system to stalk, harass and intimidate Mothers

And how they hire professionals to use Psychotronic Weaponry and Remote Neural Monitoring to destroy the Mothers within 1 year, avoid paying child support and get custody of the kids

And how they groom the professionals involved

Academic researchers have identified Fathers’ Rights groups as White Supremacists

Nearly every six days in the U.S., a child is killed amid a custody dispute, family court lapse, or other mishaps

Gender bias in the Court Room

Less than 2% of Mothers lie about abuse; where as Fathers are 16 times more likely to lie about abuse than mothers.

Dr. Saunders of the Department of Justice:  MMPI test results of Protective Mothers are invalid and MMPI tests must be abolished within Custody Evaluations

Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES)

American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence, “10 Custody Myths and How to Counter Them”

Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Disputes

The average amount a Protective Mother spends on their own attorney alone is about 100K, many get bankrupted.

And Protective Mother survivors face a Gaslight-style gauntlet of doubt, disbelief, and outright dismissal of their stories in the justice system 

To get custody, Domestic Terrorists accuse Protective Mothers of ‘Parental Alienation’; a term coined by pedophile psychiatrist Richard Gardner (who eventually stabbed himself to death due to the misery he caused)

Forcing Children in to contact with their Abusive Fathers through custody and “reunification therapy” is downright harmful to them

And, across the centuries, Momma is always to blame for it all, including the sexual abuse of her child(ren) by her child(ren)’s father…

But attorneys and judges involved in their cases make billions of dollars in profit each year in their scheme. They call their own scheme “Kids for Cash LLC” as they launder their money

Beyond Kids for Cash, we are in fact dealing with Industrial Genocide

Research findings (2019) confirming all of the above (Silberg & Dallam)

Research findings (2020) confirming all of the above (Meier)


Phyllis Chesler, PhD: ‘Mothers on Trial: The Battle for Children and Custody’

Dr. Leora N Rosen: ‘Beyond the Hostage Child: Towards Empowering Protective Parents’

Barry Goldstein: ‘The Quincy Solution’

Keith Harmon Snow: ‘In the Worst Interest of the Child. The Trafficking of Children and Parents through the U.S. Family Courts’

Aleah Holland: ‘A Little Lynched – Amber Alert – A Judge Ordered Kidnapping’

Doreen Ludwig: ‘Motherless America: Confronting Welfare’s Fatherhood Custody Program’

Doreen Ludwig: ‘Trumpian Abuse:  Government & Family Systems that Prop-Up the Male Regime’

Doreen Ludwig: “AFCC net: People, Policy, Practices that Intrude in Child Custody Determinations

Karen Winner: ‘Divorced from Justice: The Abuse of Women and Children by Divorce Lawyers and Judges’

Fintan and Gareth Murphy (aka JP and Brendan Byrne): ‘Don’t Hug Your Mother’  The compelling true story of how two boys were alienated from their mother for eighteen years

Donna Buiso: ‘Nothing But My Voice’

Lundy Bancroft: ‘Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men’

Lundy Bancroft: ‘The Batterer as Parent’

Lundy Bancroft: ‘When Dad Hurts Mom’

Maralee McClean: ‘Prosecuted But Not Silenced: Court Room Reform for Sexually Abused Children’

Amy Neustein and Michael Lesher: ‘From Madness to Mutiny. Why Mothers Are Running from the Family Courts – and What Can Be Done about it’

Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald: ‘Women Unsilenced: Our Refusal to Let Torturer-Traffickers Win

Miriam Silver: ‘Protecting My Child: – How a mother tries to protect her child and is placed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List’

Coral Anika Theil: Free eBook ‘Bonshea: Making Light of the Dark’

Dr. Debra Wingfield: ‘‘Eyes Wide Open: Help! with Control-Freak Co-parents’

Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D and Barry Goldstein: ‘Domestic Violence, Abuse and Child Custody: Legal Strategies and Policy Issues’

Evan Stark: ‘Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life’

Talia Carner: ‘Puppet Child’

Jodi Parmley: ‘F.I.F.I.,Financial Infidelity F**k It: The Mistress of The New Millennium’

Elizabeth Richter: ‘And Even Better From Divorce in Connecticut: A Blog Located Online At:’

Lori Handrahan: ‘Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape’

Yvonne Floor: “Tot de dood ons scheidt”  – This Dutch book is forbidden in The Netherlands and the author is being prosecuted for it! However, you can download it HERE: please share far and wide with Dutch speaking people. Stay tuned for the English translation…

Christina Mask: ‘Nightmare in Hostage Hills’

Ruth Collins: ‘Writings in the Sand’

Monica Szymonik: Broken System, Broken Heart: The Soup to Nuts Guide to Protecting Your Health in the Aftermath of a Custody Battle’

Sara Levavi-Eilat: ‘The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women’

Julie McAlpin-Richmond: ‘Where Have All Our Daughters Gone’ (partial proceeds are donated to Mothers ReVolution)

Sarah Hart: ‘A Mother Apart: How to Let Go of Guilt and Find Happiness Living Apart from Your Child’

Lisa Fontes: ‘Invisible Chains: Overcoming coercive control in your intimate relationship’

Bruce Perry & Maia Szalavitz: ‘The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog’

Robert Davidson: ‘The Beast I Loved’

Janie McQueen: ‘Hanging On By My Fingernails’

Janene K McKinney: ‘Domestic Non-Violence’ (read free online)

CSMS: ‘Het houdt niet op, totdat je de slachtoffers beschermt’ (Dutch – read free online) – ‘It wont stop until you protect the victims’ – English free read online)

Fiona Barnett: Free eBook ‘Eyes Wide Open’ (*adult audiences only – ***trigger warning)

Kathleen Sullivan: ‘Unshackled: A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control’

Dr. Jessica Taylor: ‘Why Women Are Blamed For Everything: Exploring Victim Blaming Of Women Subjected to Violence and Trauma

Dr. Jessica Taylor: ‘Woman in Progress: The Reflective Journal for Women and Girls Subjected to Abuse and Trauma

Anonymous Protective Mother:  ‘Is This Love? A Mother’s Plea‘ (free download)

Robin Shaye: ‘Until You Die: The Narcissist’s Promise

Dr. Danielle Duperret, NP/PhD: ‘Jailed by Fraud

Oralee Wachter: ‘No More Secrets for Me‘ (to help Children prevent and/or discuss sexual abuse)

Kimberly King: ‘I Said No! A Kid-to-kid Guide to Keeping Private Parts Private

Grace Wroldson: ‘How-To Fight a Narcissist in Family Court and Win: Super-Smart Strategies for Success

Shari Botwin: “Stolen Childhoods: Thriving after Abuse

Hera McLeod: “Defying Silence: A Memoir of a Mother’s Loss and Courage in the Face of Injustice

A big THANK YOU to all the brave Protective Mothers and Stolen Children who dare to share their stories, and all the researchers and activists who have made it their life’s work to protect them!